2024 "ACTION", Prisma Studio, Genoa
2022 "Mirko Credito - Icons", Villa Bombrini, Genoa
2021 "Cinema and school" video installation, Villa Bombrini, Genoa
2020 “OUT OF ORDINARY” Cambi Auction, Genoa
2019 "Fast Forward Portrait", BIG - Genoa - Villa Bombrini, Genoa
2019 "Moon", Art Sablon, Bruxelles
2019 “BEYOND THE BUSHES Vol. 1” a selection of erotic art for an experienced public, Art Sablon, Bruxelles
2018 “P/CAS – Contemporary art show by YIA ART FAIR“, Art Sablon, Paris
2017 “JAZZ al MA*GA – MAGA“ Museo Arte Gallarate, Milan
2017 “CERNUSCO JAZZ 2017“ Auditorium Casa delle Arti, Milan
2012 “SMACK!“ Genoa, Porto Antico
2011 “AAF Milano – The Affordable Fair Milan“ – Galleria Violabox
2010 “Fritto misto” Ascoli Piceno
2009 Performance and exhibition “Fritto misto” Festival delle Passioni, Mantova
2009 “Identità io e’unaltro” Palazzo Bottagisio Villafranca (VR)
2007 “FRITTO MISTO” Galleria Aus18, Milan
2007 “Identità io e’unaltro” Palazzo Bottagisio Villafranca (VR)
2007 “Summer collection” Galleria Aus18, Milan
2007 “OUT! Arte e sport: emozioni in movimento” Finale Ligure (Finalborgo)
2007 “Jolly Good Time” Post-Pop, Galleria Aus18, Milan
2006 "Teatro delle nuvole - L'ultima rosa - Dedicato a Tina Modotti" Museo Arte Contemporanea di Villa Croce (Genova)
2005 “Toilette Toilet – Tra pubblico e privato” public baths Piazzale Mandraccio, Genoa
2004 “Fritture” Cappe Rosse, Genoa
2003 “Sinapsi” Project at Csoa Leoncavallo Milan – Video multimedia installation
2000 “Maschere di patata” at “Il Pozzo” Genoa
2000 “Di Passaggio” young Genoese artists from: Biennale of young artists of Europe and the Mediterranean Germinations Europe – Pépinières pour jeunes artistes exhibition of the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa
1999 “Biennial of young artists of Mediterranean Europe”, Rome